Sajid Dalvi

Absolutely terrible at Home Repair

They say, when life throws you a lemon, you should make lemonade. I don’t understand that. Life has never thrown me a lemon. I’ve had to go to a store and buy them. I do like lemonade though. 


Irrelevant, irreverent sketches inspired by life, the universe and everything else. When I’m especially bored I’ll attempt to color and shade them.


The attention span of the modern reader is about two minutes and the content expected has to be absolutely useless. Check and check. 


My mother like her mother is an expert cook. I am not. But maybe the recipes gathered here will inspire future generations to carry on the tradition.


A new endeavor because hey why not. If Shakespeare can do it, then so can I. What’s in a name, I say. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Tallyho!